Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Child Tests Monk's Patience

Here's a story that was practically made for local TV news. Tibetan monks in exile traveled to the US a bit ago to raise money and awareness of their culture and political predicament. They spent a few days painstakingly creating a large sand art mandala in Kansas City's train station.

Yes, that incredible mandala is created entirely out of colored sand. Not the aforementioned mandala but close enough.

The sand art was left roped off over night with no guards (monks have to sleep sometime) and guess what. Some lady wasn't watching her kid for a minute and he ran all over the sand and created some art of his own.

According to witnesses, the monks didn't seem too distraught about how some little pissant destroyed tens of hours of labor and so they went back to work recreating the mandala. Somewhere in there is a grand metaphor about American culture but thats another story. You can link to some Kansas City local news coverage of what happened here and you can see what happened to the kid after the reporters backs were turned below.

(child abuse via a gif group on virb)

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