Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dog Disguise

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This is awesome. These folks are pitching dog disguises to make them look like other kinds of dogs. Absolutely brilliant. What better way to make your dog a little more confused about it's existence. I'll let the site speak for itself:

"Are you sick of people looking at your breed of dog in fear because politicians and the media are saying things like;

"We want to breed these dogs out of existence,"

"They are killing machines on a leash."

"These breeds don't belong in our community"

Well worry no longer, attachchi will be making disguises for all the so called 'dangerous breeds'. Now you can go to the park with your kids and your dog (like you have been doing for years), without the worry of people thinking you are a bad parent. All our Invisible Breed Products are FREE to to responsible owners."

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(click on kit to get your own!)

I got four poodles in the making at home right now that would look so stupid if I did this. Even though cocker spaniels are far from threatening, I might just have to indulge my sense of humor and get this.

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