Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Pictures Of The Day

So I got a few pics I feel like posting today. Why? Because I love you. Somebody said to me recently, "Hey, jerk! Why don't you put pictures of monkeys up anymore?" Well sir, here are some monkeys for you. And please.. use happy words. I'm a bit sensitive.

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"Monkey Knife Fight".

I could stare at this for hours. I secretly wish I could be as noble as a monkey gentleman.

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"Monkeys On The Go."

Those glasses: Awesome. He reminds me of a young George Burns.

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"Monkey Chief."

Courtesy of Monkey Jungle in Miami, which is one of the top 10 best places on Earth. I went there. Holy fucking crap. I was so excited, the staff were visibly concerned.

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"Porn Monkey".

That 'Tang is rocking a Hustler shirt. The weird thing to me is Ron Jeremy looks more like a monkey than the monkey does.

Here are some more random pics:

Random Mustache:

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Reason #2013 that Ernest Borgnine is the fucking man. I wish he wore that while in Airwolf. Jan Michael Vincent would have soiled his flight suit.

Random Retro:

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If I was that Saint Bernard, I'd shit on their beds.

Random Robot:

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Why is Japan the best? Because they have giant fire breathing robots.

Random Larf:

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Random Larf- part deux:

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That's all!!! See you tommorow!

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